Monday, July 26, 2010

Hurunui Brown

The Hurunui River provides all year round fishing from the sea to the confluence of the North and South branches. This 7 pounder was caught in the winter in 2006 on a black bead head nymph using the Langland's indicator fly-nymph system- watch this space to find out more !

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Headwater trout- counting down the days to the start of the season !

Welcome to South Island Troutfisher

Peter Langlands
Outdoor/ environmental research, writing and photography
B.Sc (Zoology) Diploma of Science (Aquatic Ecology)

H: 64 3 338 5373
M: 0274 501 916

P.O.Box 2819
Christchurch Mail Centre 8140
New Zealand